Laugh is the sign of happiness and joy. It art to makes someone laugh. Laugh is good for health. It increases metabolism of human body. Laughter boosts immune system of human with positive vibes. Laughter is best medicine to cure every type of problem and sorrows.
Laughter is good for body:
Laughter is good for body. A healthy laughter relieves sorrow, worries and tension from human. A good and healthy laugh boosts positive vibes in human. A good and healthy laughter relives the pain of body and heart up to minutes.
Laughter is good for immune system:
A laugh not just reduces the pain. But, it is also good for immune system. A laugh of 30 seconds can boost immune system to fight against many diseases. Immune cells in human body also increase with the laughter. It helps body to protect against many diseases.
Positive vibes:
A positive vibes release when a person starts laughing. A chemical with name endorphins releases at the time when a person laughs. Comedy shows are also great way to laugh. It gives a person chance to laugh and increase the amount of endorphins in body.
Laughter is good for heart:
A laugh protects human body. Those people who remain happy and cheerful never suffer from heart diseases. Laughter is medicine of many heart related problems. Many people use to watch Comedy shows to reduce tension and stress of mind. Laughter is an alternative of expensive medicines and heart surgeries. People who go in comedy night never suffer from any kind of heart related issues.
Laughter is good to lose weight:
Laughter is good to lose weight. As a person laughs its calories starts burning and in this way he starts losing weight. Many people join gym to reduce the weight. But, they are unaware that laughter of 10 to 15 minutes also helps in reducing weight. A person can lose more than 3 pounds weight by just laughing. So, it is recommended that fluffy people must watch Comedy shows and join comedy night to lose weight. It is healthy and positive to lose weight with striving in gym with muscles wricking exercises.
Laughter is good to reduce stress and tension:
Laughter is good for cope with stress and tension. Many people who laugh lot never suffer from depression and tension. Laughter is good for all people. It helps a person to reduce all kind of tensions from life.
Laugher has several benefits. So, it is necessary to laugh allot in life. Also, hire comedians for stand up comedy because live comedy shows in melbourne help in reducing tension in much better way. It also helps in losing weight; prevent heart related diseases and so on. Laughter is good to boost immune system of a person. In short, keep laughing and live a healthy and happy life. This is necessary for all people to make a happy and long live in world.